Cover Reveal and Release Day!
In case you haven’t seen it yet, Janet Taylor is hosting a cover reveal for London Holiday over at More Agreeably Engaged! She also has an excerpt from Chapter 2…
Excerpt from Surprise WIP
I am dreadfully wicked, I know, but I am not sharing the title… yet. Soon, my lovelies, very soon! Meanwhile, I couldn’t resist sharing a bit from Chapter 3, a Meet-not-so-cute between…
More Agreeably Engaged Reviews These Dreams, Plus a Giveaway!
The very first person I “met” in the JAFF/ North & South community was Janet Taylor of More Agreeably Engaged, and it was because she so sweetly reached out to…
From Pemberley to Milton with WIP Scenes and a Giveaway
You meet the sweetest people in the JAFF/ North & South community. One of my absolute favorites to chat with is Rita Deodato, and this month, she spoiled me by…
These Dreams Blog Tour and Giveaways!
The blog tour is already underway, but you can jump in anytime! All the blogs are participating in the Rafflecopter giveaway, so stop by a new blog each day to…
Anything New?
If there is one thing I have learned in my 2 1/2 years of writing, it is that the pastime is highly addicting! How addicting, you ask? So much so that I…