Have you been following the blog tour for London Holiday? If you haven’t had a chance to check out the fun, here are the stops so far on the tour! At each stop, you can enter for a chance to win an ebook of London Holiday, so stop at them all!
So Little Time: We talk about what makes a Romantic Comedy
Diary of an Eccentric: A tribute to Roman Holiday
Just Jane 1813: Claudine’s Review
My Life Journey: Loren’s Review
From Pemberley to Milton: An exclusive vignette: Darcy asks for Mr Bennet’s blessing
My Jane Austen Book Club: We talk about the life of a Regency Footman
Half Agony, Half Hope: A Review and an Excerpt from Chapter 15
Austenesque Reviews: A History of Vauxhall Gardens and an Excerpt from Chapters 19 & 20
My Love for Jane Austen: An exclusive vignette: Darcy plays matchmaker
Obsessed with Mr Darcy: Review
My Vices and Weaknesses: All about hot air balloons, and an excerpt!
A Covent Garden Gilflurt’s Guide to Life: The attractions at Vauxhall Gardens
Thank you so much to all the bloggers for their support, and for all the readers who are taking the time to stop by!

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