London Holiday Blog Tour
Have you been following the blog tour for London Holiday? If you haven’t had a chance to check out the fun, here are the stops so far on the tour!…
Review of London Holiday at From Pemberley to Milton!
The first blog review is in, and I am dancing on the moon! Check out what Rita Deodato has to say about London Holiday!
More Agreeably Engaged Reviews These Dreams, Plus a Giveaway!
The very first person I “met” in the JAFF/ North & South community was Janet Taylor of More Agreeably Engaged, and it was because she so sweetly reached out to…
A review of These Dreams at Austenesque Reviews!
I am delighted to share a blog post from Meredith at Austenesque Reveiws. She recently posted her thoughts on These Dreams and it warmed me right to my toes! Thank…
The Courtship of Edward Gardiner Blog Tour
The blog tour is underway! Today is the fifth stop on the tour, at Candy Morton’s blog “So Little Time.” Come see what George Wickham has to say in his…